History: EECS2024
EECS2025 invites the submission of original and significant research papers to be published in the conference proceedings. Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of three independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of submitted papers. All accepted papers will be published by SPIE, and sent to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.
Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:
Electronic materials components
Circuits and systems
Microelectronic systems
Photonics and electro-optic power
Waves and electromagnetic
Nonlinear waveguides
Semiconductor and devices
Photoelectric materials and devices
Signal processing and communication systems
Electrical appliances
Electrical materials
High voltage and insulation technology
Electrical energy processing
Photoelectric communication
Mechatronic and robotic
Power electronics, systems and applications
Power generation, transmission and distribution
Telecommunications and microelectronics basic technology
Smart grids technologies and applications
Photoelectric conversion and photovoltaic technology
Photoelectric feedback and intelligent control
Laser positioning and precision control
Instrumentation and control
Linear and nonlinear control
Adaptive control
Fuzzy control
Predictive control
Quantum optics and quantum control
Sensor networks
System identification
System integration technology
Digital and embedded system
Control science and engineering
Photoelectric detection and imaging system
Environmental monitoring, industrial automation and photoelectric sensing technology
Industrial network, remote control, and optical communication technology